- Day and Night in the City
- Day and Night in the Woods
- Day and Night on a Farm
- people paly in all kinds of weather
- people travel in all kinds of weather
- people work in all kinds of weather
- Animals in Africa
- Animals in Australia
- Animals in the Arctic
- plants in a flower garden
- plants in the forest
- plants on a farm
- Animals Push and Pull
- people push and pull
- vehicles push and pull
- Objects at a Fair
- Objects at a Park
- objects at a party
- Bright at Night-4
- Daytime and Nighttime-4
- What Does It Look Like
- weather fun
- weather on a trip
- Working in Snowy Weather
- Guess the animal-1
- what animal is it
- What parts do animals have
- A Rainbow of Flowers-5
- Different Trees-2
- Mmm
- Push and Pull Faces
- Toys to Push and Pull
- what can pull wagons
- Pack a Picnic
- Pizza Party
- Land and Water in Hawaii
- Land and Water in Iceland
- Land and Water in Mexico
- chinese new year
- cinco de mayo
- Day and Night- Festival of Colors
- Oak Trees and White-Tailed Deer
- Saguaro Cacti and Elf Owls
- water lilies and bullforgs
- A wolfs world
- an alligators world
- an elephants world
- at the market
- in the art class
- in the kitchen
- Machines Push and Pull
- tractors on the farm
- trains push and pull
- Hawaiis volcanoes-
- the island that formed in one day
- Volcanoes in Mexico
- Stories in the Stars-
- What do you see in the moon
- Do Wolf Pups need a babysitter
- The baobab and the elephant-
- the muddy dragon
- the cactus name game
- the giant waterlily
- Trees Seedsand Leaves
- Cookie Time
- Decorating a Vase
- Fun Food-
- All aboard
- build it
- On the Farm-
- Rocks and Soil in the High Desert
- rocks and soil near the great lakes
- rocky mountains
- A snowy place
- A warm place
- A windy palce
- At home in the desert
- At home in the Ocean
- At home in the Prairie
- Life by a Bay
- Life in a Forest
- Life in a Garden
- Forces and Motion during Ball Games
- Forces and Motion during Winter Sports
- Forces and motion with Wheels
- solidsliquidsand gases at campsites
- solidsliquidsand gases at the beach
- solidsliquidsand gases in cities
- archesarches everywhere
- rainbow beaches
- the old man of the mountain
- All kind of snow
- its windy snowy rainy or sunny
- what can clouds bring
- Eat or Be Eaten
- watch out
- what are they good for
- Butterflys favorite plant
适合咱们4-7岁孩子(亲子阅读),共36册(其中18册为阅读读本Become an Expert,18册为互动探索读本Explore on Your Own)
适合咱们5-8岁孩子(亲子阅读、自主阅读),共36册(其中18册为阅读读本Become an Expert,18册为互动探索读本Explore on Your Own)
适合咱们6-9岁孩子(亲子阅读、自主阅读),共36册(其中18册为阅读读本Become an Expert,18册为互动探索读本Explore on Your Own)
当这样的真实世界和孩子的科学启蒙结合起来的时候,一种无比美好的体验由此产生 ... 你甚至能感受到,这不是仅仅是书,而是对自然、对生命的一首孩子能听懂的赞歌。
Life Science
在地球千姿百态的生态环境下,开始生命科学的启蒙 ...
比如,在夏威夷火山森林,观察这种叫 I'iwi 美国蜂鸟的生命历程,理解什么叫生命周期(Life Cycle) ...
在广阔的北美大草原上,学习动物生存环境、栖息地(Habitat)的概念 ...
这是一只死去动物的头骨,身体已然腐朽,融入泥土,变成了营养(nutrients),滋养草原上新的一代植物、动物 ...
Earth Science
来到美国中西部,在一望无垠的麦田里感受风(Wind)的力量 ...
了解大自然的水循环如何进行,为地球科学中一个重要领域的学习 - 天气和气候(Weather),打下认知基础。
不得不说,在国家地理摄影师的镜头下,科学变得如此多情而浪漫 ……
Physical Science
物理学中关于“力”的启蒙,在一场“雪上运动”中展开 ...
推力(push),拉力(pull),甚至磁力(magnetic force),于各种雪上运动中无处不在 ...
以及,磁力如何给列车带来巨大的“拉力” - pulling force ...
在野营地里,真真切切感受物质的不同形态(固体、液体、气体),以及之间的变化 ...
大量“上天入地”的真实场景、自然故事,让孩子们可以真真切切地感受到:科学是看得见摸得着的,科学是有感情有温度的,科学甚至还是美丽而浪漫的,以及最重要的,科学是有趣有意义的 ...
作为配合教纲的科学读本,这套书的编写结构和一般的科普读本很不一样。概括来说,就是 “举一反三,一个概念在三个真实场景中去学”。
上面的三册书,封面上印着“Become an Expert” ,是“母书”;下面的那三册是和上面三册书配套的“子书”,封面上印着 “Explore on Your Own”;孩子在“母书”中获取知识,然后用学到的知识在“子书”中做拓展阅读、展开探讨。
进入被称为北美“脊梁”的落基山脉中,探索岩石的特性,矿藏的所在,窥探地球的“前世今生” ...
学习关于岩石土壤的基本概念 ...
然后,换个场景,来到 high desert ...
领会“土壤、岩石、矿物、腐殖土、风化、腐蚀、重力”这些概念在沙漠中会是怎样的体现 ...
最后,来到大湖区的沙滩上 ...
看到,即使坚如岩石,也能被风、水、时间所改变 ...