- 001 Five little ducks
- 002 Finger family
- 003 Head shouders kness & toes
- 004 Hello
- 005 One little finger
- 006 12 Buckle my shoe
- 007 3 little kittens
- 008 5 little monkeys
- 009 5 little Speckled Frogs
- 010 A sailor went to sea
- 011 ABC In Outer Space
- 012 ABC phonics song
- 013 ABC songs
- 014 After a while
- 015 Animal sounds
- 016 Ants go marching
- 017 Baa baa black sheep
- 018 Being kind to each other
- 019 Brush your teeth song
- 020 Bye bye goodbye
- 021 Christmas is coming
- 022 Christmas is Magic
- 023 Clean up song
- 024 Colors and actions song for children
- 025 Counting Bananas
- 026 Days of the week song
- 027 Ding dong bell
- 028 Dinosaur song
- 029 Do you like broccoli ice cream
- 030 Driving in my car song
- 031 Eeney meeney miney moe
- 032 Exercise song
- 033 Five little pumpkins
- 034 Getting dressed song
- 035 Give me something to eat
- 036 Go away
- 037 Going on a lion hunt
- 038 Good morning
- 039 Happy birthday song-1
- 040 Happy birthday song-2
- 041 Hello hello
- 042 Hello snowman
- 043 Hello song
- 044 Here we go looby loo
- 045 Hey diddle diddle
- 046 Hickory dickory dock
- 047 Hot cross buns
- 048 Hows the weather
- 049 Humpty dumpty
- 050 I have a pet
- 051 I hear thunder
- 052 I see something blue
- 053 I See Something Pink
- 054 Ice cream song for children
- 055 If youre happy
- 056 Im a little snowman
- 057 Jack and jill
- 058 Jingle bell
- 059 Johny johny yes papa
- 060 Knock knock trick or treat-1
- 061 Ladybug
- 062 Lets go to the zoo
- 063 Little boy blue
- 064 Little snowflake
- 065 London bridge is falling down
- 066 Make a circle
- 067 Mary had a little lamb
- 068 Miss polly had a dolly
- 069 Mr
- 070 Muffin man
- 071 My teady bear
- 072 No monsters song
- 073 Number train 0-20
- 074 Numbers 10 to 100
- 075 Numbers song1-10
- 076 Old king cole
- 077 Old macdonald had a farm
- 078 Old mother hubbard
- 079 Once I caught a fish alive
- 080 One Potato Two Potatoes
- 081 Open shut them
- 082 Oranges and lemons
- 083 Pat a cake
- 084 Pop goes the weasel
- 085 Potty song
- 086 Pussy cat
- 087 Put on your shoes
- 088 Rain rain go away
- 089 Rainbow colors song
- 090 Rig a jig jig
- 091 Ring around the rosy
- 092 Rock a bye baby
- 093 Rock Scissors Paper
- 094 Rock scissors paper-2
- 095 Row row row your boat
- 096 Rudolph the red nosed reindeer
- 097 Say Cheese
- 098 See saw margery daw
- 099 Shapes train song
- 100 Sing a song of six pence
经典英文儿歌 好听的英文儿歌 英文儿歌下载 英文儿歌大全 英文儿歌视频大全
英文儿歌视频 简单英文单词儿歌 幼儿英文儿歌 英文儿歌歌词 简单的英文儿歌
Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star
Old MacDonald Had a Farm
The Wheels on the Bus
If You're Happy and You Know It
Itsy Bitsy Spider
Row, Row, Row Your Boat
Mary Had a Little Lamb
Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes
Baa, Baa, Black Sheep
Five Little Ducks
The Alphabet Song
Ten in the Bed
London Bridge is Falling Down
Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed
I'm a Little Teapot
Humpty Dumpty
Hickory Dickory Dock
This Old Man
The Farmer in the Dell
You Are My Sunshine
The Hokey Pokey
If You're Happy and You Know It
Five Little Speckled Frogs
This Little Light of Mine
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear
The Ants Go Marching
If All the Raindrops
Little Bunny Foo Foo
Miss Polly Had a Dolly
Down by the Bay
The More We Get Together
The Muffin Man
Skip to My Lou
Three Little Kittens
I Went to the Animal Fair
One, Two, Buckle My Shoe
I Hear Thunder
Jack and Jill
Mr. Sun
You Are My Sunshine
Five Little Ducks
If You're Happy and You Know It
The Wheels on the Bus
Row, Row, Row Your Boat
Old MacDonald Had a Farm
The Itsy Bitsy Spider
Baa Baa Black Sheep
Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star
London Bridge is Falling Down
If You're Happy and You Know It
Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed
The ABC Song
Hokey Pokey
The Itsy Bitsy Spider
If All the Raindrops
Old MacDonald Had a Farm
Down by the Bay
Open Shut Them
Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush