
  • 名称:医学生物化学精品课-山东大
  • 分类:生物医药  
  • 观看人数:加载中
  • 时间:2022/2/10 14:51:59














Chemistry is the science of life chemistry. It discusses the essence of life at the molecular level, that is, to study the chemical composition and chemistry of organisms

The science of change law. Medical biochemistry mainly studies the biochemistry of human body. It is an important basic medical course. In recent years, biology

The research of basic medical disciplines such as science, microbiology, immunology, physiology and pathology goes deep into the molecular level and applies the theory of biochemistry

On and technology to solve the problems of various disciplines. Similarly, biochemistry is closely related to clinical medicine. The development of modern medicine often uses students

Physicochemical theories and methods to diagnose, treat and prevent diseases, and the mechanism of many diseases also needs to be discussed at the molecular level. biology

Chemistry course provides the necessary theoretical basis for other basic medical courses and clinical medical courses. It is a compulsory course for all medical majors.


This course is suitable for medical students. Students must have basic knowledge of general chemistry. Through the study of this course, make students learn

Students know and understand the structure and physiological function of biomolecules, as well as the relationship between them. Understand the basic ways of metabolism of important substances in organisms,

The main physiological significance, regulation and the relationship between metabolic abnormalities and diseases. Understand the basic process of gene information transmission and the concept of gene expression regulation.

Understand the metabolic characteristics of various tissues and organs and their medical significance. According to the division of labor of the course, it is related to blood coagulation, fibrinolysis and Qi

Body transport, structure of various hormones

The class hours of this course are 90, 26 for TV and 27 for experiment. This course is 5 credits